Eva F Nisa
Senior Lecturer
PhD (the Australian National University, Australia)
MA (Leiden Univ, the Netherlands)
BA (al-Azhar Univ, Egypt)
The Australian National University
Anthropology, School of Culture, History and Language, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Dr Eva F Nisa is a senior lecturer in Anthropology at The Australian National University. She is also an expert in Islamic Studies. She currently holds an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA).
She is the author of Face-Veiled Women in Contemporary Indonesia (Routledge 2022). Her DECRA project, Standardising Halal: interpreting the tension between global and local, aims to advance understanding of how halal standardisation has been reimagined in the context of global Muslim cultural diversity.
Her research and publications focus on the intersections between religious, cultural, political, economic, legal, social, and philosophical aspects of peoples’ lives.
Expertise Area(s)
Islamic Studies
Culture, Gender, Sexuality
Gender Studies
Religious Studies
Southeast Asian Islam
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Asian Cultural Studies
Indonesian Studies
Malaysian Studies