Maksuda Khanam
Maksuda Khanam is a PhD student of Anthropology trying to locate broader frames that keep sustaining the increasing rate of caesarean deliveries through the biomedicalisation of childbirth setting in Bangladesh and elsewhere. Her ethnographic research project on 'The experience of middle-class women during and after caesarean deliveries in Bangladesh' aims to identify the social factors influencing the rise of caesarean-based childbirth among Bangladeshi middle-class women and its effects on women’s health and psycho-social experiences. Ms Khanam aims to explore the breadth and depth of the shift toward caesarean sections and its impact on women’s experiences from the women’s own perspectives. She is also a faculty member of Anthropology at Jagannath University, Bangladesh (now on study leave) where she has been working since 2011.
The anthropology of health, medicine, and the body; gender and feminist medicine studies; anthropology of reproduction and reproductive technologies; Childbirth, midwifery, and women's health.