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Mansoor Ahmed

Honorary Lecturer
Ph.D, M.Phil. M.Sc (QAU)
The Australian National University
Strategic and Defence Studies Centre

Dr. Mansoor Ahmed is an Honorary Lecturer in the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University since January 2024. He was a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for International Strategic Studies, Islamabad from 2018-2022, and a Stanton Junior Faculty Fellow and a Post-doctoral Research Fellow from 2015-2018 with the International Security Program/Managing the Atom Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. Previously, he was a Lecturer in the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad from 2011 to 2015.

He began his career as a civil servant and served as an Assistant and Deputy Director in the Pakistan Audit and Accounts Service from July 2003 to January 2011. Dr. Ahmed holds a PhD in International Relations from QAU. His research interests include various aspects of Pakistani and Indian nuclear programs and postures and South Asian strategic stability issues. His research work has been published by the Belfer Center, the Stimson Center, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. His first book entitled, Pakistan’s Pathway to the Bomb: Ambitions, Politics and Rivalries was published by the Georgetown University Press in 2022.

Research Interest

Pakistani and Indian nuclear and missile programs, force postures, strategic stability in South Asia, fissile materials, conventional military modernization, great power competition and arms race dynamics in the Asia Pacific.

Expertise Area(s)

Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear Non-Proliferation
South Asia security
Geo-politics in modern South Asia
International Relations, International Security Studies

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