Muhammad Kavesh

Associate Professor

Muhammad Kavesh

Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow
The Australian National University
Scholl of Culture, History, and Language

Kavesh is an Associate Professor in anthropology with a keen interest in ethics, multispecies anthropology, decolonization, the anthropology of Islam, and the geopolitics of present-day South Asia. He is the author of Animal Enthusiasms: Life Beyond Cage and Leash in Rural Pakistan (2021) and the lead editor of Nurturing Alternative Futures: Living with Diversity in a More-than-Human World (2024). His research has been featured in prestigious journals such as American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, Journal of Asian Studies, Oxford Development Studies, and South Asia, among others. His next book project, 'The Ethics of Multispecies Hospitality in South Asia' brings novel insights from philosophy, multispecies anthropology, and South Asian studies to explore what it means to host a more-than-human Other at home. Currently, he is a recipient of the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA), focusing on the use of animals in traditional medicine. For more details about his work, see:

Research Interest

Ethics, multispecies anthropology, decolonization, anthropology of Islam, multisensory analysis, and the geopolitics of present-day South Asia

Expertise Area(s)

Multispecies Ethnography
Belt and Road Initiative
Sensory ethnography
Geo-politics in modern South Asia

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